Thursday 1 November 2012

Magic numbers

So far I have assumed that the artists of the crop formations are aware of our calendar and our time/date systems.  Here is the supporting evidence.

This crop circle was created on 8 August 2008, that's 8/8/8.  And it is in the shape of an "8".
There are 14 "teardrops" in each half totaling 28.  There are eleven circles in the central connector.  When the teardrops end on one side there are seven circles, indicating a date (as there are seven days in a week) and eight on the other, confirming that this is a number 8 and not a symbol for infinity.

There are 54 circles in total which is 2x3x3x3: 28 November 2012 is the 333rd day of the year.  This is also a kind of numerical joke: the figure "3" is "half" of the figure "8", so 2x333 is 888, the date on which the crop was formed.

If we replace the multiplication sign with a plus, we get 2+3+3+3, which is of course, 11, for November.  We can also make 53 and 33, tying in with the coordinates I have mentioned in previous posts: that was 53N 0 32W.  53N 0 33W has also appeared in other circles.  The difference between the two is nominal and but a few hundred metres.

Here is an example:
There are 33 inner circles and 22 outer ones.  Towards the centre next to the larger circle are six smaller ones.  That suggested to me that each is 10 seconds.  6x10 seconds is a minute.  Each circle surrounding the central larger one represents a minute and the tramlines  represent 10 minutes.

That ties in with the central circle representing 33 minutes.

There are four circles on the outside edge which tie in with a map of the UK at 53 degrees North.  It is about 40 minutes to the Norfolk coastline from 53N 0W.  This way up the crop circle represents to me 33 minutes West.

If we turn the formation through 90 degrees we get:
If my hunch is right, this could be the safest place on the planet come 28 November.

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